Verax International Ltd

We live in a cause effect world. Your current results are caused by what has been done. The results you want to achieve in future will be determined by what you do differently. We will diagnose precisely and quickly what you need to do in order to achieve your strategy.


Typically organisation change is ambiguous, hit and miss, and in 75% of cases unsuccessful in terms of achieving its stated objectives often because of the culture and organisational de-railers.


We have researched, globally, the factors responsible for organisational effectiveness.


The Verax approach delivers success and improved business results.


Precision Change Management  -  Fast Results - Focused on Long-Term Business Performance

- Culture Change - Increased Effectiveness & Productivity.

Organisational Change & Transformation

Why waste time and money gathering data the old fashioned way, with teams of consultants talking to staff and finally producing a report that often tells you what you already know.


At a fraction of the cost, in a fraction of the time Verax OTI and CSVS will deliver objective, researched,  practical solutions to help you achieve your future goals and objectives - not a focus on the past.


One client turned a loss making company to break even within 6 months and a $600M profit generator within 4 years.


Another, post merger, saved over £3.5M in year one and £5M pa for the next 4 years for an investment of £30,000pa.


One NHS Hospital trust identified over £5m savings within a few weeks.

You can save time, money and hassle while increasing certainty of success – and know for sure, (through our calculating the financial ROI on the intervention), the value to your business of working with us, delivering you a cost effective solution.

Our Approach :


Using your Strategy to create the blueprint

for organisational success.

Used For / Purpose

  • Producing consensus on key strategic objectives & issues.
  • Confirming Strategic Priorities.
  • Creating a blueprint of how the organisation needs to operate to achieve its strategic objectives & plans.
  • Start point for gap analysis with actual organisational, team and individual diagnosis.

 Application / When to Use

  • Determining the most appropriate organisational culture.
  • Building a scientific blueprint to align all components in organisation.
  • Producing sets of KPI's for Balanced Score Card.
  • Defining "target" scores for 360s/Competency measures.
  • Produce a clear, straightforward report to communicate strategy and its implications for staff.
  • Getting strategy implemented effectively.
  • M & A integration.
  • Culture Change Programmes.

Recommended for / Who involved

  • Senior Management Teams
  • Executive level

Organisational Transitions

Organisational Transitions (OTI)

A comprehensive diagnostic analysis of what is working for you and against your organisation achieving what it needs - a gap analysis with your Strategic Profile - increasing profitability/improving performance.

Used For / Purpose

  • Diagnosis of:
  • Causes of business success
    (& failure)
  • What goes on in the business and how that affects business results.
  • Strategic Objectives Gap Analysis
  • Appropriateness of Organisation Culture
  • Forecasting effectiveness
  • Reality test of Strategy
  • Process efficiencies

 Application / When to Use

  • Organisational Change
  • Performance Improvement Programme
  • Pre Mergers & Acquisition Integration due diligence
  • Post Mergers & Acquisition Integration (especially OTI Real-Time)
  • Culture Change & Change Management Programmes (Especially OTI Real-Time)
  • Strategy Execution
  • Benchmarking Organisational Effectiveness

Recommended for / Who involved

  • All Staff and Executives and Manager


Competitive Strategy Viability System (CSVS)

A gap analysis from the market place, with your Strategic Profile,  of the success of your market strategy and how it impacts business results.

Used For / Purpose

  • Diagnoses effectiveness of actual competitive strategy in the market-place
  • Identifies specific strengths and weaknesses versus competition
  • Specifies what precisely to do to become even more competitive
  • Identifies whether your strategy is actually working as you intend
  • Diagnoses how market place strategies impact on sales revenues, gross margins, revenue streams, customer turnover and profitability, change effectiveness and staff morale.

 Application / When to Use

  • Organisational Change
  • Business Performance improvement
  • Pre and Post Merger / Acquisition
  • Organisational Change Programmes
  • Strategy Execution
  • Benchmarking Organisational Effectiveness

Recommended for / Who involved

  • Executives
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Customers and Prospects


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